
Event Review: ISH 2019 in Frankfurt/Main, Germany

ish 2019

LOYTEC exhibited at the ISH 2019 in Frankfurt. Have a look at the highlights of our booth!

Event Review: Middle East Electricity, MEE 2019 in Dubai, UAE

mee 2019

LOYTEC exhibited at the Middle East Electricity 2019 in Dubai. Take a look at some pictures of the event!

Event Review: ACREX 2019 in Mumbai, India


LOYTEC exhibited at the ACREX 2019 exhibition in Mumbai. Take a look at some pictures of our joint appearance with Delta electronics!

Event Review: AHR 2019 in Atlanta, USA

ahr 2019

Have a look at the highlights of the LOYTEC booth at AHR 2019 in Atlanta!

Event Review: Matelec 2018 Exhibition in Madrid, Spain


For the first time, LOYTEC exhibited at Matelec expo in Spain. The international exhibition for electrical engineering and electronics is one of the most important industrial fairs in Spain, that shows current trade visitors and visitors the latest trends and innovations. We presented our intelligent building automation solutions at the Delta booth. Take a look at some photos!

Event Review: Greenbuild 2018 in Chicago, USA

greenbuild 2018"When we come together at Greenbuild, we are one community of professionals, advocates and practitioners, students and teachers, designers and builders, and everything in between. We leave no stone unturned in our pursuit of what’s next — new technology, new ideas and new ways forward. We are dedicated to transforming the market and changing the way the people all over the world experience buildings."

LOYTEC exhibited at the Greenbuild 2018, this time the event took place in Chicago. Take a look at some pictures of our booth!

Event Review: Smart Building Levante 2018 in Bari, Italy

sbe 2018

LOYTEC exhibited at the Smart Building 2018 in Bari/Levante. Take a look at some pictures of our joint trade fair appearance with Delta electronics.

Event Review: LUX LIVE 2018 in London, UK

luxlive2018LOYTEC exhibited at Lux Live 2018 in London and presented the award-winning L-DALI lighting control solution and L-ROC room automation. Take a look at some images of the event!

Event Review: L-ROC Room Automation Workshop with Belimo in Grassobbio (BG), Italy

Belimo Workshop 2018

LOYTEC and Belimo were proud to present the workshop "Effective Room Automation and Integration of Field Devices" at Belimo headquarters in Italy on November 7, 2018. The workshop was held in Italian language. Have a look at some photos of the event!

Event Review: Conference "Smart Lighting Control Application and Innovation Forum 2018" in Shenzhen, China

lighting forum 2018 The first "Smart Lighting Control and Application and Innovation Forum" in Shenzhen, China organized by DELTA electronics was a great success. This lighting forum achieved to introduce DiiA and DALI-2 to the China market.