
LOYTEC at ISH 2017 - Event Review

ISH 2017From March 14−18 2017, LOYTEC presented product solutions and innovations at first hand at ISH 2017 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

Japan BUILD 2016 - International Building & Urban Development Expo

japanbuildFrom December 14 to 16, 2016, LOYTEC exhibited in Japan at the International Building and Urban Development Expo.

AHR Expo 2017

AHRExpo 2017From January 30 to February 1, the AHR show 2017 opened its doors to a large audience. LOYTEC was part of the event and demonstrated the highest level of integrated building automation.

ÖVKT Symposium 2016 Event Review

ÖVKT LOYTEC HerbsymposiumEvery year, the Austrian Association of Hospital Technicians organizes a technical symposium. This year, the topic of building automation and related management systems was selected. The festive Kurhaus in the Otto Wagner Hospital offered the right ambience.

LOYTEC-Meetingpoint 2016

LOYTEC LogoOn June 23rd, 2016, LOYTEC hosted the first LOYTEC Meetingpoint for all their Austrian clients in- and around Vienna.