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Sascha Remmers

Sales, Sascha Remmers

"Because of short decision paths and flat hierarchies, I am able to bring in my own ideas repeatedly, e.g for product innovations. That’s what I particularly like about LOYTEC”! Read about the qualifications and the background of our technical sales representative Sascha Remmers.

His Tasks

His main emphasis is on project sales, particularly in room automation. The German works from his homeland, the Ruhr area, North Rhine-Westphalia and takes care of system integrators and planning departments throughout Central Europe. He is on the spot, wherever there is an interest in sophisticated and future-oriented automation solutions! With his additional qualification as an Excel-VBA pro-grammer, Sascha also develops calculation tools. With these tools, customers have the possibility to calculate the ideal solution with LOYTEC products even for large projects in a quick and easy way.

His qualitites

Both customers and colleagues appreciate his theoretical and practical knowledge that also gives him a high degree of credibility. “It is important to listen to the market and take customers’ needs seriously."

His career

After his education as an electronics engineer for energy and building technology, he did further trainings to become an economist and to receive a master qualification in electronics engineering. Numerous advanced trainings in the fields of, among others, BACnet, LON and KNX prove his qualified and wide range of expert knowledge. Together with past activities at his former employer, Sascha has over 8 years of experience in technical sales of room automation systems.