
LOYTEC goes IoT - Integration at the Touch of a Single Button

iot landing en

"If you can control it via app, you can integrate it into the building automation system or touch panel interface."

With LOYTEC IoT integration can be achieved without complex programming skills! Benefits of IoT integration in a nutshell:

  • Easy integration of multi-media equipment into the building control system (Video projectors, AV-Systems, etc)
  • Uploading data to cloud services for further processing
  • Providing information via Web API (MQTT, RESTful API)
  • Integration of the Node-RED enviroment on controller level
  • Complete our new free training "IoT and Scripting" at LOYTEC Online Campus (register via このメールアドレスはスパムボットから保護されています。閲覧するにはJavaScriptを有効にする必要があります。).

Further information:

New L-DALI Product Family: LDALI-MS2-BT and LDALI-MS4-BT Multi-sensors

LDALI-MS2-BT and LDALI-MS4-BT Multi-sensors
LDALI-MS2-BT and LDALI-MS4-BT are DALI-2 certified multi-sensors made for ceiling mounting featuring Bluetooth beacon functionality. Both integrate perfectly into the L‑DALI product line of lighting controllers and L-ROC room controllers.

Key features:

  • Temperature & humidity sensor (dew point)
  • Lux level measurements
  • High sensitive occupancy detection – dual technology (PIR and acustic), optimized for office applications
  • Up to 12 m maximum mounting height (depending on the model)
  • 3 digital inputs
  • Infrared receiver for optional infrared remote control L-RC1
  • Configurable Bluetooth beacons and services (asset tracking)
  • Firmware update via DALI
  • DALI-2 certified

Find out even more features in our datasheet.

Unitary Application Software 1.4.0 - Terminal Application Software 1.4.6

The LIOB-585 Controller from LOYTEC is the first to control unitary and terminal equipment in the building space with full IoT connectivity, interacting with other building systems and people. Over 90 applications are available for heating and cooling applications, in addition to a custom design mode. Users can select their own configuration options without needing software. For advanced users, LIOB-585 remains fully programmable. Graphics and a wiring diagram are automatically generated based on the configuration. Device historical trend capacity is 4 million entries for multiple years of data storage, an enormous value for diagnostic use and enterprise system analysis. 

Find out about even more features here.

Unitary Tutorial 1.0

This tutorial describes how to use the unitary control applications.

Terminal Tutorial 1.0

This tutorial describes how to use the terminal control application.

Unitary and Terminal Control Solutions with LIOB-585

LIOB 585 ad

The LIOB-585 Controller from LOYTEC is the first to control unitary and terminal equipment in the building space with full IoT connectivity, interacting with other building systems and people.

Over 90 applications are available for heating and cooling applications, in addition to a custom design mode. Users can select their own configuration options without needing software. For advanced users, LIOB-585 remains fully programmable. Graphics and a wiring diagram are automatically generated based on the configuration. Device historical trend capacity is 4 million entries for multiple years of data storage, an enormous value for diagnostic use and enterprise system analysis.

Terminal and Unitary Solutions with LIOB 585

One multi-lingual device for Terminal and Unitary applications

Powerful devices are required for IP systems. LIOB-585 supports full security, encryption, VPN, WIFI, mesh, and LTE options. Coupled with simultaneous multiple protocols provides an excellent retrofit choice and future migration.

node red hexagon   Industry leading IoT connectivity

A user friendly Node-REDTM interface encourages all types of people to connect LOYTEC devices with their systems.

Notable Features

  • Simultaneous multi-protocol (BACnet, Modbus, MPBus, OPC, LON, SNMP, EnOcean and others)
  • IoT ready with Node-Red, the easy to use IoT interface
  • WiFi, mesh, and LTE modem options for projects new and existing
  • Over 90 preconfigured applications, custom mode, or fully programmable using L-STUDIO program
  • Thousands of data points available for custom programming
  • Device has built-in LCD for local overrides and system settings

Find out more:

LOYTEC Script Releases 1.0.0

The following LOYTEC Node.js script packages are ready for download:

For information on how to add a script resource and create script objects, have a look at chapter 16 in the LINX configurator user manual.