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LOYTEC Headquarters, Vienna, Austria, 2014

LOYTEC_HeadquartersThe L-ROC system proves its capabilities in the new LOYTEC headquarters, where it automates heating/cooling, sunblinds, and lighting.

Sensors and actuators are connected via L-IOB devices. Per floor, the cabling comes together in a centralized control cabinet. LIOB-IP devices are used for remote sensors. The lighting is controlled by L-DALI gateways that also deliver brightness values and occupancy information of the DALI sensors to the L-ROC system.

Room control is done via LVIS-3E100 devices and mobile devices, using LWEB-802. In aisles and larger rooms, LVIS-ME215 devices are installed for customized visualizations.     

Project Planning

The floor types were identified in the first stage of project planning. The ground-floor, with its production hall, differs considerably from the four standard upper floors. As both wings of the standard floors are symmetrically arranged, only one area type was defined that could be instantiated eight times (4 floors, 2 wings). Although the room arrangement differs between floors, the same area type could be used. For that purpose, only the allocation of the room numbers had to be changed. An additional type was created for the stair case that could be used five times altogether.


If the L-ROC project needs to be updated, the deploy function of L-STUDIO is used to install the new application within minutes. The project file itself can be stored in the L-ROC devices, whereby a project backup and documentation are available on site at any time. The parameterization and maintenance of the system is carried out by an LWEB-900 project. For that purpose, parameter views for heating/cooling, lighting, and sunblinds have been created. Firmware updates and backups can be initiated easily.

The embedded project planning and documentation abilities of L-STUDIO have successfully proven their worth in course of the project development. Changes were stored in a Subversion repository, whereby all involved developers had permanent access to the current project status and each change could be documented.

Certified Energy Efficiency and Quality

Because of the efficiency features of the L-ROC system, LOYTEC was able to acquire an eu.bac system certification of the highest class AA, reaching 87 out of 100 possible points, for the new building at Blumengasse 37.

 BG37_Floors   L-ROC Room Controller  L-ROC_Nomenclature

Interesting Facts

Devices: LINX-151LINX-120LROC-100LVIS-ME215LVIS-3E100LDALI-3E104LIOB-100, LIOB-102, LIOB-103, LIOB-452, LIOB-453,LIOB-480, LIOB-483

Location Vienna, Austria
Number of Nodes about 600
Topology OPC, BACnet, LON, DALI, Modbus, M-Bus
Companies involved LOYTEC
LOYTEC Components    4 x LINX-151, 2 x LINX-120, 16 x LROC-100, 15 x LVIS-ME215, 23 x LVIS-3E100, 8 x LDALI-3E104, 14 x LIOB-100, 5 x LIOB-103, 1 x LIOB-102, 1 x LIOB-452, 1 x LIOB-453, 2 x LIOB-480, 1 x LIOB-483