LSTT - LOYTEC Support Tech Talk
Each episode of the LOYTEC Support Tech Talk is dedicated to a technical topic. In addition to a brief general introduction on the subject, the support team gives valuable tips for daily work with LOYTEC devices. In approximately one-hour Zoom meetings, there is enough time after the presentation to ask questions to the support team and to discuss the topic. The event will be recorded and later made available some days after the event.
Participation is free for LOYTEC customers. For organizational reasons, however, the number of participants is limited and participation requires registration.
LSTT #12 - Trends and historic filters (in English language)
Wednesday, 01.06.2022
4 p.m. - 5 p.m. MEST
Registration required: このメールアドレスはスパムボットから保護されています。閲覧するにはJavaScriptを有効にする必要があります。
LSTT #11 - Trends und Historische Filter (in German language)
Our video will be available soon.
LSTT #10 - BACnet MS/TP (in English language)
Find out more.
LSTT #9 - DALI (in English language)
More information related to LSTT.
LSTT #8 - BACnet IP (in English language)
Watch our video here (in English language)!
LSTT #7 - Modbus RTU (in English language)
The video is now available (in English language).
LSTT #6 - BACnet MS/TP - Erfolgreich mit BACnet MS/TP Gebäude automatisieren
The video is now available (in German language).
LSTT #5 - L-STUDIO 3.0.18 & LINX Configurator 7.4 - Die neuen Funktionen
The video is now available (in German language).
LSTT #4 - OPC XML-DA - Erfolgreich verwendet
The video is now available (in German language).
LSTT #3 - DALI - Erfolgreich verwendet
The video is now available (in German language).
LSTT #2 - Modbus RTU - Erfolgreich verwendet
The video is now available (in German language).
LSTT #1 - BACnet IP - Erfolgreich verwendet
The video is now available (in German language).