


Scheduling allows automatic change of the lighting control depending on the time of day (or night). Scheduled changes can be as simple as switching on or off lights or recalling scenes at certain times, but also can change the behavior of automatic lights control by changing setpoints or the control strategy. Events can be scheduled on a daily, weekly, or annual basis. Summer and winter time adjustments are automatically handled. Special events like a Christmas party can be easily configured at any time.

scheduling light

With our LWEB-900 management software package, complex scheduling strategies can be implemented by combining the scheduling requirements of various stakeholders into a single schedule and distributing it across a (larger) system. An example is a school district, where all schools have identical holidays, but depending on the type of school, individual school hours. In addition, each school or even class has individual events like teacher conferences or parents’ evening. Now, parties concerned can use the system to enter scheduling information affecting their level: The school district authority enters district wide holidays, the school management their specific times. The L-WEB system combines this information to form the resulting schedules for the schools lighting system.

Because of LOYTEC’s holistic approach, the same user interface and even the same scheduling information can be used for all the different systems in the building (e.g. HVAC). The resulting synergies significantly reduce the effort for managing the different systems of the building.

Typical applications:

  • Corridor
  • Distribution warehouse
  • Factory floor
  • Parking area
  • Shopping mall
