Event Review

ISH 2015

ISH 2015From March 10−14 2015, LOYTEC presented product solutions and innovations at first hand at ISH 2015 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

AHR 2015

AHR Expo 2015The AHR Expo 2015 took place from January 26−28, 2015 in Chicago. LOYTEC was an exhibitor at this show and presented its intelligent building automation solutions.

Greenbuild 2014

GreenbuildFrom October 22–23, 2014, LOYTEC was at the Greenbuild in New Orleans, LA. There, we presented our products and solutions together with our American subsidiary firm.

IBS Paris 2014

IBS ParisLOYTEC has been exhibiting at IBS Paris already for the fourth time. Here are some impressions of the fair.

Ecological Office / Ecological Factory Expo 2014

Ecological Office / Ecological Factory Expo, JapanFrom July 16 to July 18 2014, our managing director Hans-Jörg Schweinzer set off to Tokyo in order to attend the Ecological Office / Ecological Factory Expo.