New Competence Partners 2017 April

Kunz Regeltechnik AG

Kunz Regeltechnik AGKunz Regeltechnik AG is a Swiss company with many years of experience in building automation. Their main goal is to provide customers innovative, tailor-made and comprehensive solutions with coordinated controls for heating, ventilation, refrigeration, plumbing and electrical systems. Kunz Regeltechnik AG undertakes customer projects from the concept stage up to commissioning and also carries out maintenance and service work.

Leitsystem IT GmbH

Leitsystem IT GmbHLeitsystem IT GmbH has been on the Swiss market since 1989. They offer services such as supporting customers in concept develeopment, system evaluation, unterstützen Kunden bei der Konzepterstellung, Systemevaluation, and also acquisition and integration of software and systems: building automaion, LonWorks, Streetlighing, Internet Of Things - ioT, sensor technology, alarming, gateway, touchscreen, smart webservers, and paravis.

Marlabur AG

Marlabur AGMarlabur AG concentrates on the implemention of projects in building and industrial automation. The small-sized, flexible service provider is active throughout Switzerland. Marlabur AG supports, coordinates, and integrates small- and large-scale projects in the fields of heating, air conditioning, plumbing, lighting, and sun blinds.

New Competence Partners 2017


gfg logoGfG is an independent gas detection equipment manufacturer specialising in the development and manufacture of high quality, robust, and reliable gas detection sensors and systems. GfG manufactures a wide range of portable/personal and fixed point gas detection equipment, capable of detecting and measuring Oxygen, a wide range of toxic, asphyxiant and flammable gases. Our equipment can detect the smallest gas leaks with highly sensitive and specific sensors to provide early warning for the protection of people and plant. Our products are designed for use in many applications where gas detection is required. These include: automotive, chemical, petrochemical, gas transmission and distribution, general industry, shipping, power generation, food production, steel manufacturing, mining, nuclear energy, construction, landfill operation, clean and waste water, fire-brigades, rescue services, hospitals, research institutes and universities as well as personal protection with certified devices according to European standards.

BatirBio SARL

batirbio logoBatirBio is one of the first experts in earth cooling tubes in France. We develop, implement and maintain solutions for our customers. Since 2007, we have deployed several thousands of earth cooling tubes for houses and small buildings (nurseries, offices, …). Our goal is to offer our customers the best energy saving solution and to guarantee a perfect air quality during the winter and the summer.

Electro Energy Kft.

Electro Energy Kft. LogoWe have decades of experience in providing automation solutions in the field of energy, control and planning for non-residential buildings. We build our experience on the needs of customers concerning design, implementation or deployment of automative systems. Our company provides firms involved in construction, trade and building automation with automation and control products of leading German or Austrian enterprises. In addition we also provide technical support for a variety of automative tasks such as HVAC, lighting and energy metering solutions. At Electro-Energy we strive to provide accuracy and maximum service in order to develop a long-term working relationship with our customers.

中達電通,中國 (Delta Green Tech, China)

中國樓控市場的拓行者: 中達電通,中國

Delta GreenTech IBBD Manager David Zhao
中達電通智慧樓宇事業發展處總監趙國超(中)常攜著一個裝滿台達 LOYTEC 產品的行動展示箱,向客戶說明這套系統所帶來的各項自動化優勢。
Delta GreenTech IBBD Departement

服務據點幾乎遍及中國的中達電通 (中國),自1992 年營運以來,保持著年均增長 27% 的快速發展,提供來自各產業如電信業、數據中心、電力、石化、鐵路、工業機械等客戶高效率、可靠的電源、數位視訊系統與自動化解決方案。

中達電通 (DGC) 智慧樓宇團隊提供完整的樓宇自動化解決方案,從諮詢、客戶的需求分析、方案設計、專案規劃,到實際提供系統安裝、調試、客戶培訓與服務,一站式的服務滿足客戶的需求,並針對不同案場的實際狀況,提供客製化的服務。為了能提供符合客戶需求的解決方案,在樓控領域工作達二十年的中達智慧樓宇事業發展處總監趙國超,最常攜著一個裝滿台達 LOYTEC 樓宇管理控制系統的行動展示箱,南征北討地向客戶說明這套系統所帶來的各項自動化優勢。

即使不熟悉樓宇自動化的客戶,在趙國超生動的說明下,也能迅速了解這先進技術背後所帶來的方便且有效益的樓宇管理。具有空調、電腦網路及程式設計專業、國家二級建築師執照的趙國超,在碩士期間主攻自動化專業,對於中國樓宇自動化市場有深入觀察,認為目前中國樓宇自動化市場雖然競爭者眾多,但隨著客戶的建築等級標準提高、應用的建築類型與內部系統更趨複雜的趨勢,唯有可提供跨建物、跨場域、多系統的自動化控制解決方案的廠商,才能真正滿足客戶需求,而台達 LOYTEC 產品的特點正呼應了此趨勢。 

中達電通的智慧樓宇團隊內,也有多位具有十年以上自動控制、空調、建築背景的工程團隊與業務,分別有多年不同場域、建物類型實施自動化控制的實際經驗,包括中央空調系統、智慧照明、能源管理系統、飯店客房管理系統等。透過團隊的技術與銷售後盾,成功將台達 LOYTEC 樓宇管理控制系統支援多種通訊協議、自動備份、模組化擴充等特點帶給中國市場的客戶,尤其在新興大型建案的應用,達到易於整合、快速安裝、節省維運成本的目的。中達電通的樓宇管理與控制解決方案在中國已有多項成功導入實績,建物類型包括商業大樓、綜合型建案、車站、醫院、大型展覽會館等,顯現台達 LOYTEC 樓宇管理控制系統跨建物類型、跨場域、跨系統的靈活應用與彈性,達到樓宇運營最佳化效益。