Competence Center Program
As part of our worldwide expansive distribution strategy LOYTEC Competence Centers are important partners in the local markets. LOYTEC Competence Centers are authorized to distribute automation products such as the LWEB-900 Building Management System, L-INX Automation Servers, L-IOB I/O Controllers, and L-ROC Room Controllers to LOYTEC Competence Partners. Extended by infrastructure products, gateways, DALI lighting controllers and touch panels, LOYTEC Competence Centers provide the complete range of hardware and software products by LOYTEC. LOYTEC Competence Centers are in close contact with LOYTEC, are regularly trained by LOYTEC and offer to the product user:
- The complete LOYTEC product range including the L-WEB System, L-INX Automation Servers, L-IOB I/O Controllers, and L-ROC Room Controllers
- Sales support
- Product trainings in accordance to the prescribed LOYTEC standard in the local native language
- 'Competence Partner' certification after successful training attendance
- 1st and 2nd level technical support in local native language
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