
LOYTEC Room Operation Graphics Library and GUI Design Guidelines Release 1.0.0

The LOYTEC Room Operation Graphics Libary is now available. The library contains graphical elements (SVG) for designing user interfaces for LPAD-7, L-VIS and L-WEB. Have a look at our user manual / GUI design guidelines to get detailed instructions on how to use the library.

L-ROC程式庫3.2.2版本 (for L-STUDIO 3)

lroc 150x105L-ROC程式庫 版本現已推出。LOYTEC L-ROC區域自動化資料庫提供了預先構建的功能模塊,用於照明、暖通空調、通風、窗簾和透過指紋掃描儀進行的門禁控制。需要進一步資訊,請聯繫Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它

LOYTEC's new Online Campus

campus guy

Get to know the LOYTEC Online Campus and learn how to unleash the full potential of LOYTEC products! Find several online trainings and leverage the know-how of LOYTEC support to get your important questions answered!

  • Get access to the new LOYTEC Online Campus: Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它
  • Tutorial Videos on Youtube
 onlinecampus square


LIOB 585 ad

LOYTEC LIOB-585是第一個控制建築空間中單一與終端設備的控制器,以全物聯網通訊方式與其他建築系統和使用者互動。


Terminal and Unitary Solutions with LIOB 585



node red hexagon   領先產業的物聯網連線

易於使用的Node-REDTM 介面, 讓所有人將LOYTEC裝置連接到各家的系統。


  • 同時多通訊協議(BACnet, Modbus, MP-Bus, OPC, LON, SNMP, EnOcean等)
  • 使用Node-Red支援物聯網,易於使用的物聯網介面
  • 適用於新/舊專案的無線、mesh與LTE
  • 超過90種預先設定的應用、客製化模式或是使用L-STUDIO可編寫程式
  • 數千個資料點可用於客製化程式
  • 設備內建LCD,可執行本機覆寫與系統設定。


Unitary Application Software 1.4.0 - Terminal Application Software 1.4.6

The LIOB-585 Controller from LOYTEC is the first to control unitary and terminal equipment in the building space with full IoT connectivity, interacting with other building systems and people. Over 90 applications are available for heating and cooling applications, in addition to a custom design mode. Users can select their own configuration options without needing software. For advanced users, LIOB-585 remains fully programmable. Graphics and a wiring diagram are automatically generated based on the configuration. Device historical trend capacity is 4 million entries for multiple years of data storage, an enormous value for diagnostic use and enterprise system analysis. 

Find out about even more features here.

Unitary Tutorial 1.0

This tutorial describes how to use the unitary control applications.

Terminal Tutorial 1.0

This tutorial describes how to use the terminal control application.