
Event Review: LOYTEC at AHR Mexico 2021 in Monterrey, Mexico


Haften, LOYTEC Distributor in Mexico, and LOYTEC exhibited at AHR EXPO Mexico 2021 - the HVAC & R event in Mexico and Latin America. The following pictures give an impression:

Event Review: LOYTEC at IBS 2021 in Paris, France

ibs 2021

Thank you for visiting, LOYTEC booth at the IBS 2021 (October 20 - 21) and experiencing LOYTEC products and solutions for intelligent building automation. We also want to highlight two workshops focussing on product innovations presented by Mr. Caillet. Have a look at some photos from IBS 2021!

活動回顧:FSIE 2020, 大諾伊達/印度


台達與LOYTEC於印度FSIE 2020展出受獎項肯定的L-DALI照明控制解決方案。一起來看看這活動的現場照片吧!

Event Review: Smart Building Expo 2021 in Milan, Italy

sbe2021Thank you for visiting LOYTEC at Smart Building Expo 2021 - the event for building automation! One of the highlights was the LPAD-7 Programmable Touch Panel. Here are some photos from our booth! 

活動回顧:AHR 2020, 奧蘭多/美國


LOYTEC於台達攤位展出,一起來看看我們在AHR 2020的攤位照片!