Imagery ©2022 Google, Imagery ©2022 Maxar Technologies, Map data ©2022 The new Accenture hub in Italy was inaugurated in Rome in 2019, and it consists of six towers connected to each other at each level along 26000 square meters of surface. The BMS manages the electrical and mechanical systems of a structure made up of 6 towers, each consisting of 8 floors plus roofs and basements. The project goal was the implementation of an efficient BMS capable of coordinating every system, guaranteeing significant advantages in terms of energy efficiency in full compliance with the UNI EN 15232 standard, which is the objective tool for evaluating the effective savings that can be achieved through building automation.

Approximately 120 DALI ballasts, 30 LDALI-MS2 presence and light multi-sensors and 30 LDALI-BM1 pushbutton interface modules have been installed on each floor. A total of 140 controllers of the L-DALI family were used, configured to regulate the room lighting with constant light control.

The L-DALI controllers for lighting regulation and other devices chosen for the management of electrical and mechanical systems communicate via standard BACnet / IP protocol to a third party BMS system.


LOYTEC products have made it possible to implement an advanced lighting control and supervision system that is fully integrated into the multi-brand BMS system of the entire building, with an excellent cost / benefit ratio.

Read this case study in Italian language

Interesting Facts

Devices: L-DALI Lighting Control

Location Rome, Italy
Number of nodes 60000
Topology DALI daisy chain with BACnet/IP backbone
Companies involved Automazione SUD
LOYTEC products 52x LDALI-ME204-U DALI Lighting Controller (4-channel)
52x LDALI-PWR4-U DALI Power Supplies (4-channel)
33x LDALI-ME201-U DALI Lighting Controller (1-channel)
581x LDALI-BM2 DALI Push-Button interfaces
495x LDALI-MS2 DALI Multisensors
10x LDALI-RM3 DALI Relay Modules
LOYTEC tools L-INX Configurator