LOYTEC Info 74

Available now:

LWEB-802: Visualization in a standard web browser

LWEB-802 LOYTEC presents LWEB-802, an HTML5 based solution for visualization, which integrates seamlessly into the other L-WEB components. Dynamic LWEB-802 graphic pages can be displayed in all common web browsers without additional installation of software or plug-ins. Browsers supported are Google Chrome (recommended), Firefox, Internet Explorer 9, Android web browser and iOS web browser (iPod, iPhone and iPad). LWEB-802 graphic pages are created with the L-VIS/L-WEB configuration tool and projects can be saved on L-INX, L-ROC, L-GATE, L-VIS and the new LIOB-480 I/O controllers.

Utilization of LWEB-802 is completely free of charge!
LWEB-802 is supported as of L-VIS configuration tool/firmware version 4.4.0 and L-INX/L-GATE configuration tool/firmware version 4.6.0.

New feature on LOYTEC's website:

Online product search

search LOYTEC's range of products is increasing continuously and product variants with additional features are added often.

So LOYTEC now offers a practical product search on the website loytec.com. Using this tool you can quickly and specifically find an appropriate LOYTEC device, including a brief product description. Or you can rapidly find the best product match to your search criteria with the LOYTEC online product search. Simply click on the requested features in the list box and at once the database presents the suitable device(s), along with an image, a list of performance characteristics and additional links.
Have a try!


Frontviews of LOYTEC devices

front views Convenient and useful for all system designers and integrators are the true-to-life illustrations of LOYTEC devices in .png-format, which we offer for download from www.loytec.com in a ratio of 2:1. They can be found on the left side of the product descriptions in the link box "Related Links" under the designation "Product Illustration 200 % Front View".

These front views of our devices in consistent twice-over magnification can be printed true to scale (ratio 2:1) and be joined or stringed together arbitrarily without any intermediate space because of the transparent background of the images. The ".png"-format is exceptionally suitable for utilization in graphical programs, presentations, text processing programs and other similar applications.
Front view illustrations are available for all LOYTEC devices which are able to be assembled on the DIN rail.

LOYTEC electronics GmbHwww.loytec.com
Blumengasse 35 • 1170 Vienna • Austria / Europe
e-mail: sales@loytec.com
phone: +43 (1) 4020805-0
fax: +43 (1) 4020805-99